Vanshika Kejriwal

Local Co.

Local Co. offers a range of customer-centric services that assist clients throughout their journey from point A to B.

My Role

Personal Project
Played a pivotal role in conceptualizing and defining the core features of the product.

Time Frame

Oct - Dec 2021


UX Design
Visual Design


Relocation can bring about a sense of loss and disorientation, as everything that was once familiar is now replaced with unfamiliar surroundings and faces. However, it is also an opportunity for growth and self-discovery, as you adapt to new experiences and create a new sense of belonging. In spite of the challenges, this can be one of the most memorable and enriching times of your life if you acknowledge them and prepare for them.


After three months of research and ideation, I have launched Local Co., a mobile application that allows users to access movers and packers service as well as domestic help arrangements and rental options for furnishing.


01 Onboarding

During interviews with over ten college faculty members, students, and working professionals, I learned that relocating can be physically and emotionally challenging in the early weeks. People have different goals and pain points depending on the duration and reason for the move.

02 Home Screen

During interviews with over ten college faculty members, students, and working professionals, I learned that relocating can be physically and emotionally challenging in the early weeks. People have different goals and pain points depending on the duration and reason for the move.

03 Notification

During interviews with over ten college faculty members, students, and working professionals, I learned that relocating can be physically and emotionally challenging in the early weeks. People have different goals and pain points depending on the duration and reason for the move.


04 Account

During interviews with over ten college faculty members, students, and working professionals, I learned that relocating can be physically and emotionally challenging in the early weeks. People have different goals and pain points depending on the duration and reason for the move.


User Analysis

During interviews with over ten college faculty members, students, and working professionals, I learned that relocating can be physically and emotionally challenging in the early weeks. People have different goals and pain points depending on the duration and reason for the move.



Competitor Analysis

As part of the development process, I evaluated the competition for various services that I planned to provide on the application at first. As a result, I was able to better understand operational dynamics from the point of view of both users and business. Furthermore, it offers valuable insight into strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities.



Style Guide

A strong emphasis is placed on bold colors and strong typography to enhance the ruggedness of the design. Buttons are designed with rounded corners to convey a feeling of simplicity and openness.


Web Design


A user-friendly design, high-quality images, mobile responsiveness, and action buttons emphasize durability and safety on this website. The design categorizes information effectively for easy understanding and clarity.



What Could Be Done Differently

A complex app like this requires user testing before and after the ideation phase to collect valuable insights. There could have been some improvement to the app's look and feel to make it more inviting. By doing so, users would feel that the process is easy and accessible.


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